Tomb Raider Sun Killer Challenge Guide – Research Base Sun Totem Loccations

The last challenge of Tomb Raider, the Sun Killer challenge is completed in the Research Station area, There are a total of five totems and they look like oversized necklaces in the shape of the sun but are still small enough to be missed so make use of survival instincts!

When you find them, shoot them to destroy them. Here’s where to find them:

Sun Totem #1: Coordinates – 712456, 3416050
Location. As you enter the research station and begin to hop down the platforms, you’ll see a light bulb hanging in front of you. There is a totem to the left of the light bulb, against the wall.

Sun Totem #2: Coordinates – 712458, 3416049
Location. When you reach the camp in the research station, look for an open door on the right side. You fall down if you go through it so just peek through and you will see the totem on the wall there above and to the left.

Sun Totem #3: Coordinates – 712458, 3416051
Location. While looking straight through the same door as the last Totem, you’ll spot the faint outlines of a hanging body through the smoke. This body has a totem nailed to it.

Sun Totem #4: Coordinates – 712444, 3416049
Location. When you reach the bottom of the elevator shaft, look through the fence to the right before continuing through the next corridor in order to find the totem on the wall.

Sun Totem #5: Coordinates – 712440, 3416048
Location. Pass the elevator on the bottom level, continue to the corridor and there will be a fenced in area on the right side. Look in this area to the right and the totem will be hanging there.

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