Batman: Arkham Origins Enigma Datapacks Locations ‘Extortion Files’ Guide

Batman: Arkham Origins Enigma Datapacks locations to complete all the extortion files to unlock Enigma Unraveled and Counter-Inteligence achievement or trophy.

There are a total of 200 Datapacks scattered throughout the Gotham City which comprise 20 Extortion Files compiled by Enigma. Each of these files consists of 10 Datapacks which make up the total count to 200.

With Enigma threatening Batman to release all these Extortion Files, it is up to Batman to find these files and put a stop to her. Locations of these Datapacks can be accessed on your in-game mini map by visiting Enigma’s Headquarters which will unlock the locations of Data Handlers.

These Data Handlers will then provide you with the locations all Datapacks upon interrogation. For more help on Batman: Arkham Origins, read our Anarky Tags Locations, GCR Comms Locations and Cheats Guide.

Batman: Arkham Origins Enigma Datapacks Locations

Each area has one or more than one extortion files. You can complete these extortion files by finding all enigma datapacks associated with it.

Park Row
Extortion File #1
Extortion File #2

Extortion File #3
Extortion File #4

Amusement Mile
Extortion File #5
Extortion File #6
Extortion File #7

Industrial District
Extortion File #8
Extortion File #9
Extortion File #10

Pioneer Bridge
Extortion File #11
Extortion File #12

Extortion File #13
Extortion File #14

Diamond District
Extortion File #15
Extortion File #16
Extortion File #17

Extortion File #18
Extortion File #19
Extortion File #20

Park Row

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in The Park Row to complete Extortion File #1 and Extortion File #2:
Extortion File #1

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You will see a small cabin with destructible wooden door outside. Use your Explosive Gel to break it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. This Datapack also requires of you to have Shock Gloves. Once you power up the generator, run along the four Pressure Pads aligned together to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. After getting to the designated location, you need to climb up a building with a Season’s Greetings billboard right next to it and activate the Pressure Pad.

After that, fly to the opposite building and activate the Pressure Pad there. Once again, fly back to the building on which you climbed to activate the final Pressure Pad and get the Datapack from the ground.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. This one is again quite simple to get and requires you to destroy a console by pressing the action button and you will get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. There will be a tower in front of you with grappling points and a Pressure Pad. Get onto the lower platform to trigger a green Pressure Pad to activate it and get back to tower. Now, use your Batclaw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Activate your night vision and spot a small cabin with destructible wooden panel outside. There will be a neon sign of a lady on a building nearby. Use your Explosive Gel here.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. It will be on top of the billboard saying, ‘TRANSLANTIC by Air’.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. You will need multi Batarang for this which you will have to throw at the green lit lights to get the Datapack. It will be right under the Amertek billboard sign.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. After getting to the designated position, you need to enter the building through a door at the very back; next to a barrier with red and white lines. After entering through this door, take another door and go straight until you get to another golden door. Opposite to it, will be the next Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You need to go inside the church and go to the very back until you find a vent behind the desk. Go inside the vent to collect the Datapack. There will be a Sionis sign above the vent.

Extortion File #2

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. The Datapack can be found inside a small cabin with a wooden destructible door outside. Use your Explosive Gel to break it through and get inside to collect it.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. This one is in plain sight and all you need to do is to find it hidden in a corner of a ventilation staff.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. You will see a closed fence with a Datapack right under the neon sign of a light bulb at Gotham City Light and Power building. You can collect this Datapack by running and sliding through it.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the terrace with a hackable console. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You will require Shock Gloves for this which you will use to power a generator and initiate a spark. Now, use your Remote Control Batarang to get it sparked and then direct it to the fuse box right next to the locked Datapack container to get it.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Get to a point from where you would be able to see Ace Chemicals and find a spot to place your Remote Claw. Reach it and zipline to a destructible wall to get the next Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Get to the designated position and power up the generator. The Pressure Pads which you need to activate will glow once. Step on them and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. You will need Glue Grenade which you will use to freeze the streaming pipe and crouch to get through the caged fence. After that, take out your Cryptography Sequencer to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. You need to get into an alley with a blocked path and ‘Danger’ sign placed on the gate. Take the door on your right and take the only path until you see the Datapack. Now, you need to aim your remote controlled Batarang at the green switch in front of you and then use Remote Claw to get to that area and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You need to enter the Bane’s Field Headquarters and open a large metallic door downstairs to get into an office. Look on the roof near the monitors and you will see a vent with a glowing Datapack.

The Bowery

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in The Bowery to complete Extortion File #3 and Extortion File #4:
Extortion File #3

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. There will be a hackable console right next to a locked Datapack. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the console using ‘Chronicles’ as password and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Get to the ground and power up the generator using the Shock Gloves. Now, use your Bat Claw to pull out a pipe cover and crouch inside the fence to get the Datapack. It will be in plain sight.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Power up the generator using your Shock Gloves and imitate the pattern displayed right in front of you by stepping on to the Pressure Pads to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the GCR tower and you will find a Datapack below ‘R’.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You need to get on a ledge on top of the Soder Cola building. However, you can’t directly grapple on to this ledge and you will have to glide to get there. It is a bit difficult to grasp but you will eventually get it.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Get to the right side of the hotel and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang to activate a switch (Between two telephones) on the on the bridge. Once you activate the switch, activate another switch on your immediate right near ‘Restaurant Cocktail Bar’. After that, use Multi Batarang to activate the three switches on the building to your right to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Get on top of the Ace Chemicals building and look down to find a Datapack inside a close fence.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the designated area and power up the generator and then use the Bat Claw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Go inside the Hat Shop and go inside the vent. Keep on following the path until you get to the Datapack. Ignore the guards, if you encounter them.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. Go on top of the Gotham Merchants Bank and go all the way back to find a broken wall providing access into the bank. From there, head down the stairs and use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack from the clock tower.

Extortion File #4

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. Get to the designated area and power up a generator. After doing so, you will have to align all the three green lights in the middle area to unlock the Data Pack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Step on the Pressure Pad and throw in a Remote Controlled Batarang from the inside of a small opening in a fence to activate a switch and then slide under it to get the Datapack on the right of the switch you activated.

Enigma Datapack #3
You will see three inactive switches inside a small fenced area. Climb up the fence and paste your Explosive Gel on all of these switches. Now, get out and step on the Pressure Pad just outside the fence and detonate the Explosive Gel. After that, use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You need to be careful while getting this one. Once you get to the area, you will notice some of the red colored Pressure Pad which will close the access to the Datapack. So you will need to throw in your Remote Claw to a point and cross these Pressure Pads to get the Datapack behind a fenced gate.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. Step on the Pressure Pad located on a rooftop of a building opposite ‘Gotham City Light & Power’ building and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang to a switch on ‘Gotham City Light & Power’ building to unlock the next Datapack right in front of the Pressure Pad.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. The next Datapack will be on a terrace just opposite ‘Gotham City Light & Power’ building.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. After getting to the designated area, you will see a room with weak wooden structure outside. Use your Explosive Gel to blow it and get inside to grab the next Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. The building opposite ‘Gotham City Light & Power’ has a hackable console which can be hacked by entering ‘SHELLGAME’. Now get to the backside of this building (The one with lit railings) and find the next Datapack above an air-conditioning unit.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Climb to the top of the Gotham Merchants Bank and go all the way to the back. Now, climb down to find a small cabin with weak wooden structure that can be destroyed by using Explosive Gel.

You can switch to Detective Mode to get a clear idea of the exact location.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. Go to the same area from where you got the Datapack #10 and go to the room towards your right. From the Vintage Point, go straight and open up the grate on the floor to get the Datapack.

Amusement Mile

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Amusement Mile to complete Extortion File #5, Extortion File #6 and Extortion File #7:
Extortion File #5

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. After getting to the designated spot, you will see a large crate hanging in the mid-air. After activating the Detective Mode, you will see that it has a breakable wooden panel at one side which you can break by gliding through it. Smash it and grab the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Get to the position and use your Explosive Gel to blow the wooden panels/door and get the Datapack inside.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. This can be found right below the Gotham Casino neon sign inside a ventilating pipe. However, you will have to use your Glue Grenades to freeze the steaming pipe and then get inside the ventilator to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. This one is also quite tricky to find! You will see two switches in the designated area; throw a quick Batarang on to the left switch which will glow the right switch. Now, paste some Explosive Gel on the right switch and blow it.

Get inside the ventilating pipe and you will get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You will see four Pressure Pads aligned in a straight line. Run over them and you will get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. You will see a generator right next to a fire lit barrel. Power up the generator using your Shock Gloves and then use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Once you get to the area with ‘Galley’ written nearby, activate your Detective Mode to find weak structure on the roof which can be pulled down by your Bat Claw. Once it is down, grapple up and go to the back in the sleeping quarters to find the Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Once inside the Deck #1, you will find the Datapack on the side of the water. Toss a Glue Grenade into the water then hop over it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Using your Glue Grenades, freeze the steaming pipes in the Boiler Room and grapple up a couple of ledges until you come across more steaming pipes which can be avoided by strict timing. Climb up a few more ledges and you will see the Datapack inside a fenced area.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. Get inside the Final Offer and as soon as you get inside; look to your right to find a valve cover which you can pull out using your Bat Claw.

Extortion File #6

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You will be able to see a hackable console next to the Datapack opposite Dixon Docks. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the console to obtain the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Get to the designated position and use your Remote Claw to grapple to a point under the ‘X’ of Dixon Docks. Move along the path and activate your Detective Mode to find a breakable wooden panel right at the opposite of Dixon Docks. Zipline to the wooden panel and you will get the Datapack on a barrel inside.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Power up the generator right next to a portrait of a lady’s face on the wall and then use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack from right above the generator.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to mentioned area and use your Explosive Gel to blow the wooden panels/door of a small cabin and get the Datapack inside.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. The first Datapack of this area will be inside a fence which can only be accessed via running and sliding.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. You will see a locked Datapack and Pressure Pad next to some containers. Stand on the Pressure Pad and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang into the opening of the container in front of you and guide it all the way to the down of the container to activate a green lit switch.

Once the switch is activated, the locked Datapack behind you will become available.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Once you get to the designated area, you need to slide through a small opening which has enough space to slide through it. Once inside, use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get inside the grate on the right of large staircase inside the Final Offer and go all the way to the back in a secret room to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Go up the large staircase and keep on following the path. You will see a weakened wall to your right which can be destroyed using the Explosive Gel to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. Make your way to the north from the Boiler Room and you will see a fenced area with some space to slide under. Once inside, you will find the Datapack lying on a table right next to a board reading, ‘Hot pipe’.

Extortion File #7

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. This one is located inside a cage with a small opening. However, you won’t be able to grapple on to this opening. There will be two cranes right opposite to it; climb one of these cranes and glide to the opening in the cage to get this Datapack.

You can also switch on your Detective Mode to get a better idea of the location.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. This Datapack is also one of the most difficult Datapacks to obtain. First, you will need to power up a generator followed by stepping on three Pressure Pads. The only catch here is that once you step on a Pressure Pad, you can’t step on the ground.

If you look around closely, you will notice that there are some grappling points nearby. Once you step on a Pressure Pad, grapple to a high point (The one from which the ropes are emerging) and then glide back to another Pressure Pad. Keep on doing this for all the Pads and then use your Bat Claw while standing on the Pressure Pad to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Get to the designated location and active the Detective Mode to see a breakable wooden wall. Use your Explosive Gel to blow it and enter the area to get the Datapack. You will be able to see the Datapack through a small opening in the wall.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the designated location on the map and it will be in plain sight.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. First, you will need to activate a switch by using the Remote Controlled Batarang. This switch is not in the plain sight but is located in an open ventilation pipe. Once you activate the switch, you can climb onto the fence nearby and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. It can be found on The Final Offer lying on the floor.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Near the exit of the Final Offer, you will see a Datapack near the blocked Restaurant. Use your Remote Controlled Batarang to throw it below the area and charge it and then make it come back to power up the fuse box right next to the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Once inside the Deck #2, you will see a hackable console which can be hacked using your Cryptographic Sequencer. Get inside through the large metallic door to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. In the casino of the Final Offer, go to the booth which reads, ‘Grand Prize’. Use your quick Batarang on the three Dollar signs below to Bat Claw the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You will see an anchoring point where you could place your Remote Claw in the Boiler Room. Once you have created a grappling spot, climb up and the Datapack will be right in front of you.

Industrial District

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Industrial District to complete Extortion File #8 and Extortion File #9:
Extortion File #8

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. The Datapack is located at the end of three steaming pipes which you need to freeze first by using your Glue Grenades and then get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. This one is also easy to spot as it located right next to a hackable console. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to guess the passwords three times in a row. The passwords are, COMPLICATE, ENTANGLE, and PERPLEXITY.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. This one is quite hard to find as it is situated on a ledge which you will NOT be able to grapple to. Anyway, there will be two identical looking towers. Get on the top of one of those and activate your night vision to see a destructible wooden panel; this is on the ledge that you need to grapple to.

Once you are on the ledge, use your Explosive Gel to blow it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Pretty straightforward to find; this Datapack requires you to stand on a Pressure Pad to reveal the Datapack and then use your Bat Claw to get it.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. Activate your Night Vision to find a small cabin with a destructible wooden wall outside. Use your Explosive Gel to explode it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. You will see two switches on both sides of the cage with the Datapack in the center. Apply some Explosive Gel on the left side switch and get to the Pressure Pad nearby and detonate it.

Next, use your Remote Controlled Batarang to activate the switch on the right side and then use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. You need to get inside the Sionis Mills and find the turret. Activate your Detective Vision and find a weak destructible wall, blow it up with your Explosive Gel and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Enter the Sionis Mills and you will see this Datapack on the curved intersecting railing. Take out your Bat Claw to get it.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. This one is also in the Sionis Mills in the Loading Compartment area. Activate your Detective Mode to find the weak structure and then use your Explosive Gel to blow it up and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. This one will be lying on the ground in the warehouse of Sionis Mills.

Extortion File #9

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. This Datapack is at the top of the GCR communication tower.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. First, you will need to power up the generator and then run along the four Pressure Pads aligned together. The Datapack will be right in front of you, you just need to slide through the fence to get it.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Activate your night vision mode and find a room with destructible wooden panel outside. Use your Explosive Gel to blow it up and get the Datapack inside.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You will see a Cryptographic Sequencer Console and the locked Datapack in the designated position. Hack the console to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. This one is in plain sight; you just need to reach the top of the Steel Mills at the designated position and grab it up.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. This one is also in plain sight just above a generator which you will have to power up before getting the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. After getting to the designated area, you need to get down where sewers are located and use your Glue Grenades to freeze the steaming pipes. Enter the area and get the Datapack hiding in a corner.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the warehouse of Sionis Mills and find a weak structure with a place to attack your Remote Claw right above it. Use your Remote Claw and zipline to the weak structure to break it and get the Datapack.

Use your Detective Vision to help you spot it easily.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Inside the Sionis Mills, you will come across a Datapack behind some steel bars. You will have to throw a Remote Controlled Batarang through the wall to activate a switch and then run and slide through to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You need to get to the lab area in the Sionis Mills and power up the generator using your Shock Gloves. Once you power up the generator, you will see the Datapack on the goods transporting belt.

Extortion File #10

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. Get to the north entrance of Sheldon Park to see a Pressure Pad on the ground. After stepping on it, you will have to activate three switches with your Multi Batarang. After activating these switches, you can collect the Datapack by using your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Get to the west exit of Sheldon Park and across a small alleyway, you will see two steaming pipes back to back. Use you Glue Grenades to freeze these pipes and crouch under the small area to obtain the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. While facing the Gotham Light and Power neon sign, grapple to the area on your west to find a generator that you need to power up using your Shock Gloves and Datapack will be right next to it.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. At the south side of Sheldon Park, you will see a locked Datapack at the intersection of three chains supporting a suspended platform. You need to get on the ship below to step on a Pressure Pad and then go back to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. Opposite to ‘Welcome to Wonder Expo’ sign on a gate, you will see a Datapack inside a fenced area.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. While standing at the south-west of the Steel Mill, you need to get to your south and find three green lit switches that you need to activate by using Batarang. After activating all the switches, the Datapack will unlock.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. While standing at the north-west of the Steel Mill, look below to find a Datapack inside a fenced area right next to a barrel on fire.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. In the Loading Bay area of the Sionis Steel Mills, you need to take the stairs and turn left from the after 4-5 steps to find a vent. Open up this vent to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. You need to get to the Hidden Facility Room through the Elevator Access to find a spot that you can use to grapple. Once you get to other area, simply hack a console using your Cryptographic Sequencer and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. For the last Datapack, you need to get to the Drug Lab and go down the stairs to find a room on the west side. Power up a generator in this room and look through a caged door to find the Datapack unlock which can be obtained with your Bat Claw.

Pioneer’s Bridge

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Industrial District to complete Extortion File #11 and Extortion File #12:
Extortion File #11

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. This Datapack will be right below a switch on a platform adjacent to the bridge. Get on the ground and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang to activate the switch. Next, you will have to use Multi Batarang to hit three switches at a time to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. You will see some suspended platforms underneath the bridge with Pressure Pads. Stepping on a Pressure Pad will trigger a timer and you will have to glide and grapple to reach the other Pressure Pads in order to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. You need to go underneath the bridge and grapple to an archway kind of platform to get the Datapack using your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You will see two Pressure Pads underneath the northern section of the bridge. Step on the first Pressure Pad and grapple to a spot; at this point, without touching anything, step on the second Pressure Pad to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You will find a switch on the one side of a platform on the bridge and a Datapack on the other. Use your Remote Controlled Batarang to activate the switch and pick up the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. From the Maintenance Room, enter the elevator and grapple up to a small gap in the roof. Next, climb up a ledge and look above to find a Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Get on a platform inside the Gotham Bridge until you see three steaming pipes. Freeze these pipes using the Glue Grenades and then activate a switch to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. You need to get inside the Gotham Bridge and into the Maintenance Room. Get below the stairs and side through the fences to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. The next Datapack can be found in the storage room. While in the storage room, you need to open the cover of a vent using your Bat Claw and throw in a Remote Controlled Batarang to hit a switch behind bars.

After you hit the switch, the bars will open up a bit so that you could slide through to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. While in the Elevator Shaft, you need to climb up a ledge until you get to a steaming pipe. Freeze this pipe using your Glue Grenade and drop down to open up a vent and collect the last Datapack.

Extortion File #12

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You need to drop down from the middle tower to find a hackable console right next to a locked Datapack. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the console and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. You will see a Pressure Pad on a platform on the bridge. After stepping on it, you will see a sequence right in front of you. You must hit the four switches surrounding you with your Batarang/Remote Controlled Batarang in the same sequence to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. After getting to the designated location in the video; use your Disruptor to disrupt the signal and then use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack the console. Doing this successfully will unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You will see a generator on a platform on the bridge right opposite The Sionis Industries’ billboard. Charge up this generator using your Shock Gloves and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. This Datapack is between north tower and the middle tower. You need to go to the west side to find a platform which you can’t access by grappling on to it. Go straight and destroy the weakened wall ahead to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Turn south just as you enter the Train Station and enter the train to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. After entering the Train Station, head towards the north and enter into a vent in front of a train to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. After entering the Train Station, turn left to see the large B5 written with a Datapack above it.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. After getting into the Boiler Room Maintenance Corridor, you will see a hackable console behind a barred gate. Hack this console to open the gate up and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. After entering the Train Depot, charge the generator by using your Shock Gloves and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang above the train; charge it and activate a switch on the left side. After doing this, you need to climb up the train and use your Explosive Gel to blow up the weakened structure and collect the last Datapack.


Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Coventry to complete Extortion File #13 and Extortion File #14:
Extortion File # 13

Enigma Datapack #1
Get to the south end of the Pioneer’s Bridge and you will see Furniture Company billboard and Cola neon sign. There will find the Datapack on an intersection on the bridge.

Enigma Datapack #2
You will see a Datapack right next to a parked truck. Get on top of the truck to find three green lit switches on the right of the truck. Use Multi Batarang to activate these switches and grab the Datapack using Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #3
Get to the designated area and throw a Remote Controlled Batarang through a ventilating pipe to activate a switch and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
After you get to the designated building roof, you need to use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack. Getting it with the Bat Claw is very important as the Datapack will get locked if you get too close to it.

Enigma Datapack #5
Get to a high building and look down to find some railway tracks. Glide to those railway track and use your Bat Claw to get the Datapack stuck to the roof of a tunnel.

Enigma Datapack #6
The next Datapack will be inside a fenced cage with two steaming pipes. Use your Glue Grenade to freeze the steaming pipes and get the Datapack inside.

Enigma Datapack #7
Face the GCR communication tower and drop down to a small roof to the west. You will see a small cabin with a weakened structure outside. Use your Explosive Gel to blow the destructible structure and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Get to the designated area and you will see an ‘A’ and ‘B’ written on the wall. Below the ‘A’ will be a weakened structure which can be destroyed by Explosive Gel.

Enigma Datapack #9
Get to the Lacey Towers and get to the roof access through the ‘Exit’ door and get to the Sionis’ Safehouse. Go to the very back and you will get the Datapack near the stairs.

Enigma Datapack #10
You need to get inside the My Alibi nightclub. Once you get inside it, get to the main dance floor and take the door on the north-east side. Once inside that door, take out your Bat Claw and pull out the vent cover at your immediate right to get to Datapack.

Extortion File #14

Enigma Datapack #1
Once you get to the south of the communication tower, look to your right to see a parked car buried in ice. There, you will also see a Datapack on a wall. Grab it using your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #2
Get to the burrowing building where you will see the three Pressure Pads. Now, once you activate a Pressure Pad, you can’t touch the ground. Use your Remote Claw to make a Grappling Point. Now, activate all the Pressure Pads by gliding between them and the Grappling Point.

Once you have done all these, you will unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
There are some railway tracks on the east of the Lacey Towers. Keep on following these tracks until you come to a tunnel with some anchors and a hackable console right next to a Datapack. Use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack it and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Get to the rooftop on the south side of the Lacey Towers and activate your Detective Mode. There, you will see a weakened structure which can be destroyed by gliding to it. Once you break this structure, grab the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
You need to get to the south side of the Lacey Towers and find a Datapack on a wall. It will be below the Grappling Gargoyles; right next to an air-conditioning unit.

Enigma Datapack #6
Get to the west side of Lacey Towers (On ground) and find a hackable console right opposite
‘Gotham Rail’ board sign. You need to hack this console to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
You need to get to the east of the GCR tower and there, you will see three green lit switches with the Datapack. Use your Multi Batarang to activate these switches and then quick Batarang another switch to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
You need to charge a generator using your Shock Gloves and get the Datapack to its left.

Enigma Datapack #9
Go right below to the Fast Travel icon on the map and you will see the Datapack right next to some scrap bags.

Enigma Datapack #10
Get to the main dance floor in My Alibi nightclub and grapple on to the platform above to get the next Datapack.

Diamond District

Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Diamond District to complete Extortion File #15, Extortion File 16 and Extortion File #17:
Extortion File #15

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You need to get to the door of Furniture Company near GCR Tower to find the first Datapack stuck to the roof.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. While facing the GCR Tower neon sign, go a little north to find a Datapack inside a fenced area. Climb on top of it and drop down from the west side to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Get on to the rooftop of a building on the north of the GCR Tower to find two steaming pipes inside a fenced area. Freeze these pipes using your Glue Grenades and collect the Datapack hidden behind them.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You need to go a little west of the fast travel near the GCR Tower to land on some railway tracks to find a weak structure. Activate your Detective Mode to ease you with this. After you destroy this weak structure, you will have to do this twice more before you collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You need to get to the main entrance of the Soder Cola Company and hack a console with three correct passwords to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. For this, you need to climb on top of the Soder Cola Company and use your Disruptor to disrupt three consoles followed by hacking another console before you could collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Get to the Parking Lot of Royal Hotel and head down the stairs until you see a steaming pipe on your right. Freeze this pipe using your Glue Grenade and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. You need to pull out the vent cover above a door with a sign, ‘Valet Parking’. Get inside through the vent and use your Cryptographic Sequencer to hack a console and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Head towards the Main Entrance of the Royal Hotel using the elevator and head right to find the Datapack above some crates.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. After getting the previous Datapack, you need to get inside the main lobby and head down straight into the grates to find the last Datapack of this Extortion File.

Extortion File #16

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. While facing the GCR Tower neon sign, you need to go west and find a large pipe with a spot for your Remote Claw. Create a tight rope using your Remote Claw and get inside a little fenced platform to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. While facing the Drink Soder Cold billboard sign, head east to find a weak structure on a platform. Blow it up using your Explosive Gel and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Near the Hamilton Hill sign, you need to glide down to a fenced area near the large red lit bars. Get to the fenced area and use your Bat Claw to pull out a vent and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the back of the building with large red lit bars and you will find a Pressure Pad alternating between red and green colors. You need to step on it as soon as it turns green to unlock the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. While facing the main entrance of the Royal Hotel, you need to head towards eastern side and you will find a Pressure Pad on the ground. Step on it, activate a switch right in front of you, and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. At the main entrance of the Royal Hotel, you need to get to the terrace above the main entrance to charge up a generator and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. You need to get to the East Tower – floor 10 and go to the areas with a lot of televisions. Here, you will need to power up a generator which will open a barred gate for you to collect the Datapack using your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the East Tower Elevator Shaft and charge up a generator to move the elevator up. While moving up, you will see spot for your Remote Claw. After creating the line, grapple up on to it and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Before leaving the Elevator Shaft in the West Tower, crawl under some pipes and grapple on to a narrow ledge in front of you to collect the Datapack on a small platform.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You need to get to the West Tower – Ball Room and climb up the ladder in the back to hack a console at the far end of the alley to unlock the Datapack.

Extortion File #17

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You need to climb up the Soder Cola Company one more time and find a Pressure Pad right next to the Furniture Company billboard.

After stepping on the Pressure Pad, you will have to use your Multi Batarang to hit the three green lit switches. Next, step off the Pressure Pad and hit another trio of switches before collecting the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Go to the south-east of the large Furniture Company signboard (From where you collected the previous Datapack), to land on a terrace. You need to pull out a vent cover and step on the Pressure Pad nearby. Stepping on the Pressure Pad will create a spark to your west.

Throw a Remote Controlled Batarang, get it charged, and get it inside the vent to activate a switch followed by collecting the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Get to the west of the GCR Tower near the Fast Travel location. After reaching the location, you need to throw a Remote Controlled Batarang to activate a switch. Refer to the video to know the exact location of where you need to hit the switch before collecting
the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Glide and step on the Pressure Pad below the Drink Soder Cold billboard and glide to the opposite direction to step on to another one. Now, grapple up to a point and collect the Datapack with your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. From the main entrance of the Royal Hotel, you need to go towards east and use your Disruptor on a jammer followed by hacking a console to collect the Datapack. They will be right next to a parked truck.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Just below the Hamilton Hill neon sign, you will see a Pressure Pad and six switches; three inside the fenced area and three outside the fenced area. Place some Explosive Gel on the three switches inside the fenced area and step on the Pressure Pad.

Once you step on the Pressure Pad, throw multi-target Batarang to activate the three switches outside the fenced area immediately followed by blowing up the Explosive Gelled ones to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. You need to get to the Ventilation Shaft of the West Tower and make your way to freezing the Steaming Pipe using Glue Grenade. Do this and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the Ball Room and activate a switch to let a clown pop-up of a box. Use your Remote Claw to create a wire from its nose and glide down on another platform to hack a console and reveal the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. From where you hacked the console for the previous Datapack, get on the ground level to find a Datapack under the roller coaster track.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. For this Datapack, you need to get to the Overview Bar and go inside the either grate to collect it.


Following are the locations of all the Enigma Datapacks you can find in Diamond District to complete Extortion File #18, Extortion File 19 and Extortion File #20:
Extortion File # 18

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. East of the Hamilton building, you will see a Pressure Pad on a wall. Step on this Pressure Pad and dive bomb on the ground to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. While standing right in front of Hamilton Hill neon sign at the balcony, look to your left to find a small shack with a weakened structure outside. Blow this up and get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Get to the north-west corner of the district near the Lounge neon sign to find large pipes near a small shack with a weak structure outside. Blow up the weak structure and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the north of the Police Station right in front of The Key to Adventure billboard sign and step on a Pressure Pad. After stepping on the Pressure Pad, look behind to find 5 switches (under a skywalk) that you need to hit with quick firing Batarang.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. This Datapack requires you to charge up a Remote Controlled Batarang followed by hitting a switch. This can be best explained through the video. Check it out to know the exact location where you need to hit the switch.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. You need to get on a small rooftop between GCR Tower and Hamilton Hill building to hack a console right next to a locked Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Go to the rooftop of the building on the east of the Police Station to find two switches insides a fenced area and a Pressure Pad. Stepping on the Pressure Pad will open up a fenced area.

Throw a Remote Controlled Batarang through it and hit the switch which will highlight another switch. Throw another Batarang to hit this switch and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the building on the east of the Police Station and go all the way back to collect a Datapack stuck to a wall.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Outside the Police Station (near the coast), you will see a hackable console next to a locked Datapack. Hack this console to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. Get behind the GCPD sign and collect the last Datapack right next to a door on a small balcony.

Extortion File #19

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. You need to get on the rooftop right next to The Key to Adventure billboard sign and step on the Pressure Pad. Use your Glue Grenades to freeze the three steaming pipes and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Get to the north-east of Police Station and charge up a generator to unlock the Datapack right next to it.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. From right in front of the Hamilton Hill neon sign, glide to the east to the waters and reach the ground level to find some stairs. There, power up a generator using your Shock Gloves and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. Get to the Locker Room inside the Police Station and find a locker that you will be able to open by using your Bat Claw to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. You need to hit a switch by the window in the interrogation room to trigger a timer; vault through this window to collect the Datapack using your Bat Claw.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. From the east exit of the Interrogation Room, vault through the open window to collect the Datapack lying on the ground.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Charge up the generator outside the Locker Room and get inside to collect the Datapack from the showers.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. Get to the office in the Prison Section and collect the Datapack from the desk in that office.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. Get inside the GCPD Morgue via Derelict Elevator Shaft and blow up a weakened structure on the ground to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. You need to get to the Evidence Room via Derelict Elevator Shaft and charge up a Remote Controlled Batarang to hit a fuse. This will unlock the cell holding the Datapack.

Extortion File #20

Enigma Datapack #1
Location. At the west of the Hamilton Hill building, you will see a ventilating duct on a rooftop. Go inside it to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #2
Location. Right in front of the GCPD sign (east of Hotel neon sign), you will see a generator and two Pressure Pads on a small rooftop. Charge up the generator and step on the Pressure Pads (first the right one and then the left one) to collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #3
Location. Get inside the Police Station via the roof access and go to the Maintenance Access through the grappling gargoyle. Climb down the ladder and hack a console to open up the barred gate and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #4
Location. You need to get inside Gordon’s office by hacking a console outside. Once inside, collect the Datapack from the left wall.

Enigma Datapack #5
Location. Get inside the GCPD sewers inside the Police Station and toss a Glue Grenade into the water. Use your Bat Claw to move around and find the Datapack in a blind alley.

Enigma Datapack #6
Location. Get to the tunnel which leads to the exit and go through an opening in the wall to find a generator. Charge it up and hack a security console to collect the Datapack. The password will be Profiteering.

Enigma Datapack #7
Location. Get to the GCPD Telecom Room and take the elevator down. Now, look to your south and find a grappling point. Climb up the small platform and keep on following the path until you see a covered vent; open up this vent to get the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #8
Location. This Datapack is in a pipe right above the Sewer Section B. Create a zipline using your Remote Claw, grapple up and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #9
Location. From where you received your last Datapack, grapple the ledge right in the opposite of Sewer Section B. Freeze a steaming pipe using the Glue Grenade and collect the Datapack.

Enigma Datapack #10
Location. For the final Datapack of Batman: Arkham Origins, you need to get to The Key to Adventure billboard and activate your Detective Mode to find a weakened structure in the billboard which leads to Enigma’s headquarters.

Take the elevator down and collect the Datapack using the Bat Claw.

If you find something confusing, comment and we will try to help you out!

Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. He is a competitive FPS player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all time) ...